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Lovely Rose Bouquet

  • With the Lovely Rose Bouquet, delight friends, family, and colleagues. Delight your friends and family with a truly beautiful fresh flower gift that will brighten any space. Featured in this gift is a wonderful 12-stem bouquet of pink and white roses gathered with greenery into a floral wrap tied with ribbon. Of course, you may add on your choice of wine, champagne, gourmet snacks, and more from our custom options.

  • This is what is included in this gift:

    Bouquet - 12 Stem Pink & White Rose Bouquet : This bouquet includes 12 pink & white roses gathered together with Baby’s Breath and greenery in a floral wrap and tied with designer ribbon.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Brittany Nelle
applause for customer service

I had a bit of a problem with my order, I accidentally selected the wrong delivery date. I called Los Angeles Baskets customer service, and they were absolutely amazing! The woman I spoke with was so kind and helpful, and she was able to fix the issue quickly and efficiently. She even followed up with me via email to make sure everything was taken care of. The flowers themselves were beautiful (the Lovely Rose Bouquet), but the outstanding customer service really made the whole experience exceptional. I will definitely be ordering from them again