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The Celebration Rose Bouquet

  • Celebrate all of life’s special moments with The Celebration Rose Bouquet. This charming gift bouquet is filled with delightful flowers for a stunning presentation. Featured in this gift is a bouquet of 12 pink and red roses, baby’s breath, eucalyptus, and ruscus gathered into a floral wrap and tied with ribbon. For a personal touch, you may add on wine, champagne, plush figures, and more from our custom options to turn this into a bespoke gift.

  • This is what is included in this gift:

    Bouquet - 12 Stem Mixed Pink & Red Rose Bouquet : This bouquet features 6 red roses, 6 pink roses, ruscus, baby's breath, and eucalyptus, gathered in a floral wrap and tied with ribbon.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Kim Summers
totally worth it for the quality.

We sent my friend a bouquet for her birthday, and they were gorgeous! The flowers arrived fresh, and the arrangement was absolutely stunning. She was so happy with the gift! Thanks for reliable service LA basket

Mia A.
Absolutely gorg and fresh

I ordered a bouquet from Los Angeles Basket, and I am beyond impressed with the freshness and quality of the flowers. The arrangement was beautifully done, and the flowers have lasted much longer than I expected! It will be definitely my go-to for future orders!